
En Primeur


En Primeur and Pre-shipment Offers

En Primeur refers to offers of wine sold before the wine is bottled and often two or three years before being physically available in the UK. Buying at this stage can ensure an allocation of a desired wine at the earliest possible moment at the first release. Wines sold En Primeur exclude UK excise duty and VAT and will be shipped to our WineSafe storage account at Octavian.

Pre-Shipment Offers

Other ‘pre-shipment' offers are made with a shorter timescale, and will generally be delivered to the bond within six months of the sale. Pre-shipment offers are usually also offered excluding UK Excise duty and VAT as with En Primeur and will be shipped to our WineSafe storage account at Octavian.

Upon arrival of the wine.

When En Primeur and pre-shipment wines arrive at our bonded storage, you will be advised and asked to indicate what you would like to do with your wine. The options are as follows:

  • Leave In bond storage with WineSafe at Octavian
  • Transfer to another bonded facility
  • Duty paid delivery to a nominated mainland UK address or collection from DBM wines in Bristol

Please note that all in bond transfers are subject to a delivery and administration fee . Duty paid delivery requires the settlement of any relevant duty and VAT at the prevailing rate. Where no instruction has been given, wines purchased En Primeur will be stored on your behalf with The WineSafe Ltd under bond at Octavian. You will be deemed to have accepted the terms of The WineSafe Ltd. and may become liable for storage charges at the prevailing rate.


To keep DBM customer’s wine safe and separate from our trading stock, we have created a wine storage company The Wine Safe Ltd, who’s only purpose is the storage of DBM customers wine. WineSafe can store your wine under bond at the country’s leading storage facility, Octavian Vaults in Wiltshire. Please ask for current storage charges.